"Me and My Motherland" - Ma Wei and her friends pay tribute to Chuxin Concert

执行主体: Chengdu Oriental Jasmine Women's Orchestra and Sichuan Symphony Orchestra

由歌唱家马薇会同我国著名指挥家李心草(或邵恩)、台湾著名音乐人陈彼得、总政歌剧团青年男高音歌唱家王传越联袂演出。晚会共分为“绿叶对根的情谊”“音乐之夜”“我和我的祖国”3个篇章。 Singer Ma Wei will perform jointly with famous conductor Li Xincao (or Shao En), famous Taiwanese musician Peter Chen and young tenor Wang Chuanyue of the General Administration Opera Troupe. The evening is divided into three chapters: the friendship between green leaves and roots, the night of music and my motherland.

时间: November 10, 2019

地址: Chengdu City Concert Hall-Concert Hall
